Annual Spring Dinner

The Club will host its annual Spring Dinner, on Sunday, April 6, at 5:30 pm. In addition to sharing fellowship and celebrating the commissioning class of 2025, there will be a short Business Meeting and the election of Club Officers for the 2025-2026 Club year. All members are invited to attend. Please use the link below to register.

Where: Ciro's Ristorante Italiano

301 Buckelew Avenue

Monroe Township, NJ 08831

Cost: $50 per person. Mids eat for free!

We are honored to have as our guest speaker Ashely Asdal, USNA '09. Please visit our website,, to see Ashley's remarkable bio -- pre- and post-military -- and some great pictures.

USNA PCNJ Officers and Directors for Election 2025-2026

Presidents: Colin & Suse Bell

VP Membership: Kim Trafford

VP Arrangements: Chie Davis

Secretary: Angela Quintano

Treasurer: Edward McCausland

Directors: Mike & Mary Alice Tolen

Director: Larry & Chie Davis


Non-elected Positions

Immediate Past President: Edward & Bernadette McCausland

Director / Golf Outing Coordinator: Bill Asdal

Name Tags: Mary Alice & Mike Tolen

Webmaster/Social Media: Larry Davis, Maria Vester, Angela Quintano

Dark Days Cookie Coordinators: Theresa Wordelmann, Darcie Lubalin

I-Day Coordinator: Colin Bell

Mid Express Coordinators: George & Ann Farrell

2025 USNA NJPC Spring Dinner Registration

Commissioning Week Primer and NJPC Spring Dinner

Commissioning Week Primer

Please join NJPC for our annual Commissioning Week Primer, to socialize with fellow members and listen to a select panel of alumni parents share their Commissioning Week tips and experiences. Coffee and dessert will be served, there is nothing for you to bring except your questions! We are working on a guide with information and useful Commissioning Week resources that will be provided in advance of the meeting. Cyndy Benjamin, '28 parent, has graciously offered to host this event.

Please register here: CWP Registration

When: Saturday, March 1, 2025

Time: 2:00 pm


Cyndy Benjamin

1321 Highland Avenue

Plainfield, NJ 07060

Spring Dinner: Save the date: The Club will host its annual Spring Dinner, on Sunday, April 6, 5:30 pm, at Ciro's Ristorante Italiano, 301 Buckelew Avenue, Monroe Township, NJ 08831. Details are being finalized, and sign-up information will be provided within the next several weeks. In addition to fellowship and celebrating the commissioning class of 2025, there will be a short Business Meeting and the election of Club Officers for the 2025-2026 Club year. All members are invited to attend.

See below for the schedule of upcoming events.

For any other questions, or if you would like to get more involved with NJPC, please contact us. 


Colin and Suse Bell

Presidents, USNA PCNJ or 201-669-8533

Dark Ages Cookies Army-Navy Basketball, January 26 Army-Navy Fly Fishing

Dark Ages Cookies

Army-Navy Basketball, January 26

Army-Navy Fly Fishing

Dark Ages Cookies: Happy New Year!!! 2025 is underway and The Brigade is back to start the Spring 2025 session! At NJPC we begin each year with the Dark Ages Cookies mission, as the Club sends delicious cookies to New Jersey Midshipmen to brighten up the dark days of winter on the Yard. To have cookies delivered to your Mid, please email Maria Vester at with your Mid's name, company number and commissioning year. Information must be received by Friday, January 24, 2025. There is no cost to you. Thank you to Theresa Wordelmann, Darcie Lubalin & Maria Vester for continuing this great tradition! 🍪 

Army-Navy Basketball at West Point:Save the date: NJPC will be bringing its grilling skills to West Point, for the annual NJPC West Point Tailgate on Sunday, January 26, 2025. The Club typically feeds up to 300 hungry Midshipmen that make the long trip from the Naval Academy to support mens' and womens' Army-Navy basketball. We are still coordinating logistics with the Academy, but NJPC is typically on station at West Point by 7:30 am and finished by 11:30 am. Further information, including a site map and food sign up worksheet, will be provided as we get closer to the event (info also can be found on the Club website,, under the "Events" tab, or on Facebook,

Army-Navy Fly Fishing: Want to know more about the annual Army-Navy Fly Fishing Tournament hosted by the Club? Check out this great video of the 2024 event: 🎣

Annual Holiday Party

Annual Holiday Party

Sunday, December 8, 3pm

Please join the NJPC for fellowship and good cheer as we celebrate another year of service to the Brigade! Thank you to all members, friends from NJ and beyond, First Command and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Parents Association, for all of your time, support, and generosity throughout the year.

Sue Bessin has once again generously agreed to host this year's potluck gathering, which will take place at:

Address: 42 Morris Place

Madison, NJ 07940

For headcount, please email Sue if you are able to attend:

Please click the button below and go to the Holiday Party tab to indicate what you plan to bring.

Potluck Food

See below for the schedule of upcoming events.

For any other questions, or if you would like to get more involved with NJPC, please contact us. 

We wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!


Colin and Suse Bell

Presidents, USNA PCNJ or 201-669-8533

Hold the Presses: Business Meeting and Apple Cider

Hold the Presses: Business Meeting and Apple Cider 🍎

Join the Club on Thursday, October 17, 4:00-7:30 p.m. at Riamede Farm in Chester. We will start with a short business meeting to discuss upcoming events and other Club operations, then press apple cider to take to the October 19 Navy v. Charlotte football tailgate, followed by food and fellowship.


USNA ’09 grad Ashley Asdal is the proprietor of Riamede Farm in Chester.  This historic farm hosts over 5,000 apple trees, and we will use the farm's apples and cider press to make 15-20 gallons of cider to take to the tailgate for mulling and service to the Brigade. The evening will conclude with a potluck dinner (and, of course, cider) in the barn.  Please bring a meal to share!  

Club members are welcome to attend the business meeting (starting promptly at 4pm), cider pressing (starting at approximately 4:45pm), and/or dinner (approximately 6:15pm).

Please RSVP to let us know you will be attending.

Riamede Farm

122 Oakdale Road

Chester NJ 07930




 The NJ Mid Express, Thanksgiving 2024!

Sponsored by the USNA Parents Club of New Jersey


The Mid Express will transport Midshipmen to and from USNA for Thanksgiving to save you a trip:


* Convenient * Less stressful for Parents * Comforting; watch a movie or sleep! * Meet other Midshipmen

We do need assistance with Bus Captains to help with checking Mids getting on and off the bus at designated stops -- please sign up at the link below if you can help.



·        $180 round trip, $95 one way.

·        Sign up and reserve your spot at: 


Departing from USNA to NJ Turnpike:  PLEASE STANDBY FOR TIMES/DATES!!

  • Boarding: Alumni Hall, United States Naval Academy                   2:00pm 

  • Stop 1 James Cooper Service Area (between exits 4 and 5)             4:45pm

  • Stop 2 Woodrow Wilson Service Area (between exits 7 and 7A)    5:15pm

  • Stop 3 Grover Cleveland Service Area (between exits 11 and 12)   6:00pm

  • Stop 4 Vince Lombardi Service Area (exit 18)                                 6:45pm

  • Stops listed above are on the Northbound side of the Turnpike.

Departing to USNA:  Sunday, December 1st

  • Boarding: Vince Lombardi Service Area (exit 18)                          12:45pm 

  • Stop 1 Thomas Edison Service Area (between exits 12 and 11)       1:30pm

  • Stop 2 Richard Stockton Service Area (between exits 7A and 7)    2:15pm

  • Stop 3 Walt Whitman Service Area (between exits 3 and 4)            2:45pm

  • Stop 4 United States Naval Academy                                               5:30pm

  • Stops listed above are on the Southbound side of the Turnpike.

 Important information:

·        Times are approximate. Schedule may vary due to actual Academy departure time and traffic.

·        Please arrive at the Service Area locations at least 15 minutes prior to pick up or departure time.

·        On Wednesday, Midshipmen will receive a text message when the bus arrives at Alumni Hall and when it is ready to depart.

·        On Sunday, all Midshipmen will receive a text message when the bus arrives at Lombardi Service Area and when it is ready to depart.

·        Reservations are on a first come first served basis. There are no refunds for this event.


  Please contact George Farrell at (917)-559-9605 with any questions!

2024 NJPC Tailgate Navy vs Memphis

2024 NJPC Tailgate

Saturday, September 21

Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium

STAY THE COURSE!!! The NJPC tailgate season is in full swing. We have 2 games in the log book. Many thanks to those of you who have been able to share your time and energy. The Mids are amazed by what we do and extremely appreciative! If you couldn't make the games, see the pictures on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

The action continues this Saturday, September 21. Game start is 3:30 pm. New Jersey parents will be on station by 8:00 am. Please join us and our partners First Command and Southeastern Pennsylvania Parents Association (SPPA) as we continue to supply great food and good cheer to the Brigade of Midshipmen. We welcome all NJ parents to donate food and supplies and help with set-up, cooking, serving, and clean-up. Come for an hour or the whole day, any and all participation is appreciated. Many hands make light work!

Answers to most questions -- such as where we are located at the stadium, where to park, food suggestions, etc. -- can be found on the Club website at:


Be sure to check your food in when you arrive. Bring a marker and tape to label your coolers and also consider bringing a lawn chair. Parking is available across the street from our tailgate site.


If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute, consider dropping food off with a fellow parent. There are also various dry goods which members can donate -- we need clamshell take-out containers and individual foil wrappers for sandwiches, as well as gloves for workers, knives and forks. In addition, we can always use more Chinet plates, 2-hour and 4-hour sternos, and full and half aluminum serving trays. Those and other items are listed on the Google Docs sign-up sheet at the link below. 


We are blessed to have such great kids and the honor of serving them and the entire Brigade of Midshipmen. The tailgate is a great opportunity to build a Navy Family. Let’s lead with our hearts, work with our hands, and embrace this event as if all Midshipmen are our own.  

Please click the button below to post your anticipated food and supplies donations for any game. It helps the Tailgate Team if you post your donations before arriving. Thank you!

Tailgate Donations

Shout-out to SPPA: As you know may know, tickets to this year's Army/Navy game are in short supply. Don't have your tickets yet? SPPA is raffling Army/Navy game tickets. The package includes 2 game tickets, 2 night hotel accommodation and $100 in cash for spirit ware. Details below:







100% of the proceeds go to funding the SPPA



TWO (2) TICKETS to attend the game at Fedex Field, Landover, MD for Saturday, Dec 14th, 2024

Game Time 3:00 PM

ONE (1) Hotel room - Two (2) night stay for Friday and Saturday

$100 Cash Allowance for incidentals

(Travel expenses, parking, food and purchasing NAVY Spirit Gear)

Drawing and Notification of Winner to be by November 16th

Tickets are available from SPPA at the tailgate or email or text Frank Margay ( / M: 610-563-9670).

See below for the schedule of other tailgates and upcoming events.

For any other questions, or if you would like to get more involved with NJPC, please contact us.  


Colin and Suse Bell

Presidents, USNA PCNJ or 201-669-8533

*Game start time. Members are on station by 8:00 AM.

Tailgate Season Primer

2024 Tailgate Season Preparation Meeting!

The 2024 tailgate season is close at hand! If you would like to learn more about how the Tailgate works, please join us on Tuesday, August 13th at 7:30PM. for an informative zoom presentation.


Join us and learn about:

·     What is the NJ Parents Club tailgate

·     Where we are located at the stadium

·     How to participate (set up, cooking, serving)

·     Donating food

·     What to do with your food when you arrive

·     Where to park

·     What to expect during the day


   The Club feeds all Midshipmen visiting our site at home football games. That’s 800 or more Mids per game! We need your participation, food, and support to continue this amazing tradition. Many hands make light work, and there is a role for everyone. It is a unique opportunity for parents and friends to feed and engage with the future leadership of America.


Make one game, Make all the games.

Bring friends, Bring food, Bring friends’ food !

Come early, Come late, Come all day....


Let's chat, Tuesday August 13 at 7:30pm. See you on the Zoom.


Zoom meeting link (or click the box below):

(Meeting ID: 951 6200 5202; passcode: 871090)

 Tailgate Meeting Zoom Link

Other Upcoming Events:

If you would like to get more involved with NJPC, please contact us at:  


Colin and Suse Bell

Presidents, USNA PCNJ or 201-669-8533

Work with your hands, lead with your heart!

United States Naval Academy Parents Club Of New Jersey - NJ Alumni Association Summer Event/NJPC Golf Outing and More!

The New Jersey Chapter of the USNA Alumni Association has invited NJPC members to join them for an evening of Live Music, Beer & Food!


Riamede Farms

122 Oakdale Road

Chester, NJ 07930


July 20, 2024

·  Exclusive Tour and Happy Hour 4:30 – 5:30pm

·  Main show – food and music 5:30 – 8:30 pm

Free beer during Happy Hour courtesy of Ashley Asdal ’09! After 5:30 pm, food and drinks will be available for purchase (cash or credit card).

Register below. Scroll down and be sure to check “USNA Alumni Only” and use the Coupon Code GONAVY24 to save $5 off the $15 event fee. 

USNA NJ Alumni Registration Link

The Annual Golf Outing is on Thursday, August 1, 9am at Black Oak Country Club. If you would like to participate, help get the word out or sponsor a hole, contact Bill Asdal at  

Annual NJPC Golf Outing Sign Up Link

Other Upcoming Events:

A current list of upcoming events is included below. Note that the tailgate day begins at 7:30am. The tailgate times listed are the game start times.

If you would like to participate in one of the Club Committees (events, membership, tailgate, golf) or get more involved with NJPC, please contact us at  


Colin and Suse Bell

Presidents, USNA PCNJ

NJPC News!

Welcome Aboard Picnic - Sunday, June 9, 12 Noon

The Welcome Aboard Picnic for the Class of 2028 is one week away! Please sign up as soon as possible using the link below. It's also a chance to learn about the New Jersey Parents Club and ways to become active in its mission. We look forward to seeing you there!


Colin and Suse Bell, Presidents, USNA PCNJ

Class of 2016

Welcome Aboard Picnic Details

Date and Time:

Sunday June 9, 2024

Time: 12-4pm


Freehold VFW

50 Waterworks Rd

Freehold, NJ 07728


Adults: $25

Children 5-12 years: $10

Midshipmen / Incoming Plebes: Free

Welcome Aboard Sign Up Link

Other Items:

The Last Supper is a dinner event for the incoming Class of 2028. It will take place Wednesday, June 26th 6pm, at The Federal House. Families cover the cost of their meal, Midshipmen eat free! NJPC will host a table at I-Day, stop by and say hello!

The summer picnic is hosted by Gina and David Zaccaria on Saturday, July 13th at 2pm. This is a pot luck event so bring your favorite dish to share with your NJPC shipmates. The Zaccaria's are '23 parents, former Officers, Directors and long time NJPC supporters.

The annual Golf Outing is Thursday, August 1st at Black Oak Country Club. Sign up to play, bring a foursome or sponsor a hole. The afterparty is at 2:30 all are welcome. Golf is $225, the afterparty is $50.

Sign-up links are below:

Last Supper Sign Up Link

Summer Picnic Sign Up Link

Annual Golf Outing Sign Up Link

USNA Class of 2028 Welcome Aboard Picnic

Please join us as we welcome the USNA Class of 2028!  This kick off event for the class of 2028 will be an opportunity to meet incoming plebes, speak with alumni & USNA families. Current USNA NJ families will be available to share valuable tips for I-Day, Plebe summer & year.

Class of 2028 & Midshipmen are free to attend! Family members please use the QR code for additional information & to register for the event.

You won’t want to miss this event to hear about all the exciting events NJ Parents Club hosts through out the year & meet other NJ families in a relaxed atmosphere.  Guest Speaker will be Link in the Chain representative from the Class of 1978.

BBQ lunch & dessert will be provided.


VFW Freehold

50 Waterworks Road Freehold, NJ, 07728

June 9th, 2024

Time - 12 noon -4PM

Welcome Aboard Picnic.

Questions, please contact:

Colin Bell

(201) 669-8533