Virtual "Welcome Aboard Picnic" Class of 2024
Hosted by the USNA Parent's Club of NJ
The NJPC is hosting a virtual "Welcome Aboard" to the USNA NJPC family. This is a perfect opportunity for incoming plebes and their families to meet, talk with each other, and share notes. In addition, NJPC officers and club members who are parents of current and former midshipmen will be available in breakout rooms to answer questions or concerns you may have. As a special treat, a current "firstie" will be on-line to talk with your plebes about expectations for plebe summer. Please join us for this special informative event!
Sunday June 14, 2020
12:00 Noon to 2:00PM
via ZOOM meeting
Contact Sue Bessin for any questions
You will be emailed meeting ID and password on the morning of the event
Join us for a fun and informative afternoon!
Go Navy!!