Annual Holiday Party

Annual Holiday Party

Sunday, December 8, 3pm

Please join the NJPC for fellowship and good cheer as we celebrate another year of service to the Brigade! Thank you to all members, friends from NJ and beyond, First Command and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Parents Association, for all of your time, support, and generosity throughout the year.

Sue Bessin has once again generously agreed to host this year's potluck gathering, which will take place at:

Address: 42 Morris Place

Madison, NJ 07940

For headcount, please email Sue if you are able to attend:

Please click the button below and go to the Holiday Party tab to indicate what you plan to bring.

Potluck Food

See below for the schedule of upcoming events.

For any other questions, or if you would like to get more involved with NJPC, please contact us. 

We wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!


Colin and Suse Bell

Presidents, USNA PCNJ or 201-669-8533