Welcome Aboard Picnic - Sunday, June 9, 12 Noon
The Welcome Aboard Picnic for the Class of 2028 is one week away! Please sign up as soon as possible using the link below. It's also a chance to learn about the New Jersey Parents Club and ways to become active in its mission. We look forward to seeing you there!
Colin and Suse Bell, Presidents, USNA PCNJ
Class of 2016
Welcome Aboard Picnic Details
Date and Time:
Sunday June 9, 2024
Time: 12-4pm
Freehold VFW
50 Waterworks Rd
Freehold, NJ 07728
Adults: $25
Children 5-12 years: $10
Midshipmen / Incoming Plebes: Free
Other Items:
The Last Supper is a dinner event for the incoming Class of 2028. It will take place Wednesday, June 26th 6pm, at The Federal House. Families cover the cost of their meal, Midshipmen eat free! NJPC will host a table at I-Day, stop by and say hello!
The summer picnic is hosted by Gina and David Zaccaria on Saturday, July 13th at 2pm. This is a pot luck event so bring your favorite dish to share with your NJPC shipmates. The Zaccaria's are '23 parents, former Officers, Directors and long time NJPC supporters.
The annual Golf Outing is Thursday, August 1st at Black Oak Country Club. Sign up to play, bring a foursome or sponsor a hole. The afterparty is at 2:30 all are welcome. Golf is $225, the afterparty is $50.
Sign-up links are below: